Humility, The Measure Of Greatness

James 3:16-4:6
Mark 9.30-3718th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2024
As we travel with Christ in His journey during His earlier years, we can see how He functioned in His attitude towards the people. He understood His ministry. He understood His task, the pain and the struggles that went with it. A lot of times we want everything to go smoothly, and we do not want to experience the pain and the struggles. Christ was aware of His purpose. He was tempted and was faced with every temptation known to man but did not succumb to any. In the Gospel today, we see that He was giving us directions leading to where He was going. He was leaving the places close to Him and going to an area which was more peaceful and silent because He was going to train His disciples to take over when He has completed His mission. He takes time to teach them and tells them, “the Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men and they will kill Him” The disciples did not understand what He was trying to say but He went on further, “after three days, He will rise again.” In the book of Matthew, He was very clear in pointing out who these men who wanted to kill Him were. He was referring to the chief priests, the Pharisees and elders and scribes, the religious leaders who were high-ranking officials. He had to shake the disciples to the truth of what was about to take place. But the disciples were in shock and no longer asked any question. They could not reconcile the fact that He was going to die.
On their way to Capernaum, the disciples were debating amongst themselves. When they reached the place where they were going to, Jesus asked them what they were discussing because they were arguing as to who is the greatest among them. Jesus discerned their thoughts and said, “If you want to be great, you would have to be like a child. The first shall be the last, and the last shall be the first.” To illustrate this, He took a child, sat him on His lap, set him in the midst of all to see. Jesus wants us to be humble, like a little child.
There’s a battle going on within us. We want things our way. We are not willing to be submissive. Christ was wanting the disciples to know about humility. Christ came with the authority of God but to forgive and meet our needs and not make demands. Most of us want to do things our way. The world teaches us to be on top, but Christ teaches us to be humble. There is a war between the mind and the spirit which causes frustration, division and no unity. Christ ministered to everyone. We have to have the right attitude in serving others, no matter what level we are in. There’s a need to have the ability to get along with others even if we do not agree in certain things. Yes, the Lord knew that there was going to be the suffering, but in the end, it is the glory of God that will prevail. If we are secure, we can be kind to others. This is the character God wants us to have.
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