The Magi Came To Worship The King

January 05, 2024
Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-14
Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-19a
Matthew 2: 1-12
2nd Sunday of Christmas 2025 – Abp. Hines
We have gone through a series of holidays and celebrations, giving us an attitude of joy and peace, and even excitement. Christ did not come so that we could have a Christmas tree, or that we would be able to give gifts. Christ came to set us free. In the reading today, the Magi visited Christ to worship Him, and not to have a party. And because Christ came to set us free, we should be having peace. But the enemy has been giving us fear and anxieties which were not meant to be for us in the first place. One of the earliest sins that the enemy caused man to commit was murder. One son killing his own brother.
Jesus came to release us from the bondage of sin and restore us. Christ finished His task. But we have not grasped the fullness of this truth. Prophets of old have prophesied that in a small town of Bethlehem, a baby was to be born to save the world. The Jews, however, were not looking for Him. The Magi from the East, being learned men, who were into the study of stars and nature, somehow knew that an important event was going to take place. God sets things in order. The Magi was paying attention to the course of nature. They traveled to Jerusalem, thinking that the people would be so overjoyed because of the birth of a new king. But the people were not rejoicing. They were not having a party. News came about that Herod found out that there were wise men from the East looking for the Child. And so He informed the wise men to let him know as soon as they find out where the child was so the he, too, would go and “worship” him. The Magi knew something eventful had taken place because they were paying attention to nature and they saw signs. What about us. Are we paying attention? Unfortunately, we have lost sight of the new life.
When Christ was born, the angels did not appear to religious leaders, but to lowly shepherds who would listen. This shows us how God deems every one as important. Herod was such an insecure leader that he would destroy anyone who got in his way. The Magi brought the best gifts befitting to a royal. They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh. Jeremiah the prophet proclaimed that God would rebuild us. So when we come to the season of Christmas, we should realize that we are so blessed that we have been given God’s provisions. Ephesians tell us that we’ve been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. We have been chosen even before the foundation of the world. Christ came to restore us. What God has done is perfect. Our mind and heart should be in unity.
The challenge is, what are we doing with what God has given us. He’s given us His body and blood- what are we doing with this new life? We need to realize that God has made us in His image and likeness. We are the church. We are the temple. We are to be God’s great witness.
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