And He Was Given The Name Jesus

Feast of the Holy Name
Readings: Exodus 34:1-8
Romans 1:1-7
Luke 2:15-21
Today in the world, the title “New Year” was bestowed upon an event. Man marks time with months and years. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of peace. But New Year in the world is a lot of noise yet something is missing. There is still no peace and security. The world has brought about confusion instead. God’s love for us is complete. He does not repeat. As Christians we need not go through things over and over again.
Today is the Feast of the Holy Name. The name of Christ should be sacred.
Isaiah 9:6-9
For to us a Child is born,
to us a Son is given,
and the government will be on His shoulders.
And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of His government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
and over His kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
will accomplish this.”
In the hearts of mankind, God is doing something. Fear, anxiety and stress do not belong to us. When Christ was born, He was unknown. On the 8th day, He was circumcised according to Jewish Tradition, which was established by God as a proclamation of God’s covenant to man. Jesus was the first-born male and it was only at this point that He was given the name, Jesus. His name is holy and sacred. Many times, the lack of believing on our part causes us to doubt that He will fulfill His promises. But God always fulfills His promises. At 12 years old, Jesus could communicate with scholarly teachers and amaze them with His wisdom. We have the same potential but have not really used them to the fullest. God is a Holy God who has done excellence in our lives. We are not seeing all things but what God says He’ll do, He will do it. He always fulfills His word. The zeal of the Lord will accomplish it. Jesus was threatened many times on earth but He never gave in nor give up. The Holy Name reflects His authority. He is a God of love. The Names of God in the Old Testament are of utmost importance:
El Shaddai- the God who is more than enough; Elohim- the God of Israel; Adonai -Lord; Rohi – our Shepherd. Yahweh – The Lord God; Jehovah Jireh- our Provider; Jehovah Rapha- our Healer; Jehovah Nissi – our Banner; Jehovah Shalom- our Peace.
We need to believe in His name. We need to have confidence in Him. The first-born male is holy unto the Lord. Why is January 1 the Feast of the Holy Name? If only we can grasp the power of His Holy Name, who’s able to meet every need at any given time.
We are a blessed people. He has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness. He did not give us death. He will not fail us. The life that God intended for us is a life of abundance. There has always been protection upon the first-born child of Israel. Egypt lost this protection. Scriptures give us permission to use His Holy Name. The Name of Jesus has power. As we face the New Year, do not seek a “new year.” Seek a new life. A life without fear and anxiety. With God, He will always supply.
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