Be It Done Unto Me According To Thy Word

Be It Done Unto Me According To Thy Word

December 24, 2023

Readings: 2 Samuel 7:4, 8-16
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38

4th Sunday of Advent

God had a plan from the very beginning. He has set a course. He knew what was going to take place. Six months prior to the pregnancy of Mary, another event took place that was to tie in with the latter one. Zechariah, who was married to Elizabeth, had been asking God for a son. Angel Gabriel, messenger of God came and told him that his wife was going to bear a child. He was in disbelief because Elizabeth was already advanced in age. Because of this, he became mute and could not speak. He was to be this way until the birth of his son. And so it came to pass that Elizabeth became pregnant. Mary, her cousin, who was a 16 year-old virgin girl was betrothed to Joseph. Betrothal in those days was a very sacred thing and was tantamount to being married. So when angel Gabriel appeared before her to tell her she would conceive and bear a son by the Holy Spirit who would be called Son of the Most High, she was shocked because she was a virgin. God knew the character of Mary. He knew that she could be trusted and be capable of taking on this big task. Of taking care of a child that was to become great. Mary must have felt the pressure because she had to make a choice and pay a price. She knew that the community would surely look down on her and even ostracize her for getting pregnant. Mary realized that it was a big responsibility for her. But she had been chosen among women to be the mother. Christ was coming to make man great again. In order for one to be great, he has to pass through tests and trials. Mary and Joseph did not belong to the elite. They were poor. They came from Nazareth, which was an obscure, uncelebrated town. God chooses the simple who will follow Him. He looks at the heart. Angel Gabriel also told Mary about her cousin Elizabeth’s pregnancy. Then Mary responded, “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word.” And the angel departed.

So Mary went to visit Elizabeth. When she entered the house, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy. Matthew 1:18 “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.” Jesus was born of a woman. There was no mention that Joseph was the biological father. But he was chosen to be the one to rear Jesus while he was on earth because he was a righteous man. David, who was a shepherd taking care of sheep, also came from simplicity. But he was chosen by God to become one of the greatest leaders of Israel. Mary, Jesus, all came from simple backgrounds.

Christmas isn’t about the bright lights, the parties, the merriment. It’s about Christ coming to redeem the world. God caring for us so much that He would sacrifice His own Son to redeem us. Jesus was trained and being prepared for 30 years to do this ultimate sacrifice. 2000 years after his death on the cross and resurrection, He is still making us realize how much love He has for us. When God blesses us, He will not retrieve it. This is how powerful and strong His Word is. Mary fulfilled her responsibility by accepting to bear the Christ Child. Today, are we fulfilling our responsibilities? We have made life so complicated when it is simplicity that brings the blessings.


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