Jesus Feeds Us With The Bread Of Life

Jesus Feeds Us With The Bread Of Life

March 10, 2024

Readings: 2 Chronicles 36:14-23
Ephesians 2:4-10
John 6:4-15

4th Sunday of Lent 2024

As we read the Gospel, we should allow the Holy Spirit to unveil the truth to us. Too often we just read the words but are confused. It’s behind these words that the Holy Spirit’s power is revealed. The feeding of the five thousand is written in different accounts so that we can have an understanding of this from different perspectives and different points of view which are somehow interrelated.

Jesus had just sent the disciples to go on their missions. When they finished, Jesus wanted them to rest. In between the red sea and Jordan River is a plain. On this plain is a mountain where they were going to rest. The people quickly followed after them. When Jesus saw them coming, He felt compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. These people were on their way to the Feast of Passover, which was a most important event among the Jews because it signified their freedom from 400 years of slavery in Egypt. In fact, to this day, the Jews still celebrate the Feast of the Passover.

Jesus had compassion on them because He discerned that they were tired. Something was surely lacking in their lives. Yes, they may have been delivered from slavery but there was no one to guide them in this newfound freedom. They were also exhausted from their long journey, traveling to Jerusalem was a long and ardous jourmey and Jesus saw their spiritual hunger. Jesus then asked Philip if there was a store nearby so they could buy bread. Philip’s answer was that even 8 months’ wages would not be enough to feed a multitude. Andrew then told Jesus that there was a little boy who had 5 barley loaves and 2 fish. For Jesus, this was enough. He then gave instructions to the disciples to have the people sit down on the grass. He took the bread and fish. He was wanting to show us why a little boy was chosen. Because there was a need, He took simple things and simple circumstances to prove what God could do. And after giving thanks and blessing the food, He asked the disciples to distribute this and it multiplied and kept on multiplying so that everyone was full. Like Jesus, our task is to feed people with the nourishment of the Gospel.

As we look into Easter, we need to see the compassion of God through Christ. He spoke to the people about God, He ministered to them, He healed them, He fed them. It wasn’t just spiritual ministry, He took care of the needs of the people. From the five pieces of bread and two little fish, the food multiplied. And there were even twelve baskets full of left-overs. He then left after the incident to avoid the people wanting to treat Him like a king by force. Romans 8:11 “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.”

What God will do for you is far greater. If the power is in you, it will give life to your mortal body. It will not give you sickness or anxiety. We need to believe that with God, all things are possible. What is He saying to tell the five thousand? What is He saying to us today? John wanted to show us that from a little boy, under very simple circumstances, God can do wonders!


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