Living out the Kingship of Christ

Living out the Kingship of Christ

Once a year, we set aside a day to proclaim Jesus as Christ the King. But we are to do more than just proclaiming Him. We are to bring His Kingship in our lives. Christ set us free from bondage. When man fell, the authority was given to the enemy. Christ came to set man free, and this includes all the works of the enemy. He gave us even more by sending the Holy Spirit. Christ did all this for us so that we can achieve His goal. He empowered us with the Holy Spirit to be able to achieve this goal, and we need to wake up to the truth. Christ faced every temptation but did not succumb to any. When He went to the cross, He took all our weaknesses and as He did this, He said to the Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He was beaten, mocked, nailed to the Cross. In so doing, He took everything upon Himself. Christ was on the cross to bear the sufferings for us. He had to go through the process of pain and death. He never condemned any of His offenders and He forgave them. On the 3rd day, He rose from the grave. He went to Hades and conquered the grave, destroying the gates of hell and releasing its captives. He did this to show that He is King.

May we be reminded of who we are in Christ. We are “royal priesthood.” In essence, we are “kings.” He is saying to us today that we should not condemn, but rather to forgive. He has given us the ability to overcome problems. We are on this earth to put down the enemy and raise up Jesus.

The Church has set up ceremonies for a day; Christ the King, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, but we are to have life abundantly. We need to live our lives each day to show that Christ is King. We should not be bound by the world’s system or submit ourselves to it. We must go beyond the celebration of the feasts. Everyday of our lives, we are to live our the Kingship of Christ. We should not confine “celebrations” to a day only. We are to make the secular world understand this. Too long have we been trained differently. It’s high time we change the darkness into light. Today is the last Sunday of the Christian year. Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

We have been deceived for a long time by the enemy. It’s time we open the veil and discover the truth. We need to know who we are by being thankful and giving Him honor. He is Head of the Body. He is no. 1 in our lives and we should put Him first. Hebrews 13:20 “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep.” How blessed we are that He has given us the blood of eternal life. Let us continue to walk in the grace of God


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