Peace Be Unto You
April 07, 2024
Readings: Isaiah 26: 2-9, 19
1 John 5:1-6
John 20: 19-31
2nd Sunday of Easter 2024
Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter. Christ has indeed risen! The Alarm has sounded. Wake up! If Christ conquered death, He can conquer anything. He gives us hope. In the Gospel today, we see the disciples being in fear. They had seen the empty tomb, and were afraid that the authorities would come after them because they were the followers and friends of Jesus. They hid themselves in a room, which could have most likely been the same room they partook of the last supper. They were afraid and debated among each other what to do next. In the midst of their discussions, Jesus appeared to them in the flesh. The first thing He said was, “Peace be unto you.” When He spoke peace to them, He wasn’t calming them down but actually saying, “May God bring to you every good thing.” Not the negative things but only the good things. Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
From the very beginning, God has given us choices. “Choose you this day whom you will serve.” There are only two things- good or evil. Christ then, shows them His wounds. He wanted them to touch His hands and side. There had to be proof. He said He would conquer death and He did. He tells them, “Peace be unto you” a 2nd time. “As the Father has sent Me, so sent I, you.” He came to destroy the works of the enemy and to restore us to the family of God. He was telling the disciples that He had done His part. Now, He expects them, and us, His church to carry on the task. He breathed the Holy Spirit into them. He breathes life into the church. He gave us this life to live out. Over the period of 40 days, there were many other convincing proofs of what He did after the resurrection.
Thomas, however, was not there the first time He appeared and therefore did not believe. But when he was finally able to see the risen Lord in person, and touch the hands and side of Jesus, he believed. He woke up to to the truth. He might have been dubbed as “doubting Thomas,” but he was the one sent to India to build God’s kingdom there. Because of the work he did, the south of India today is Christian. The church he founded still exists today. God has given so much to us. We have no reason for fear and anxiety. We should give Him all the praise through our lives.
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