Preparing For Christ The King

Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Archbishop Loren Thomas Hines
November 17, 2019
Readings: Malachi 13: 13-14 2a; 5-6
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Luke 21: 15-19
Since the time of Easter, we have been taught to use the gifts of God and how we are to blend into the life of God. God created us in His image and likeness; He has a plan for us, and a purpose. We are the church, a part of what He is. The church is not a structure, a denomination, nor is it a religion. It is a relationship with God. It is that which we are supposed to be.
In the gospel today, it talks about the fall of Jerusalem, the second Coming of Christ, the persecutions that are to follow. What God has implanted in us, what He has blessed us with, many times becomes a form of irritation and friction in others. Some would go as far as questioning why certain people are more prosperous than the others while there are those who are poor. So this causes opposition and irritation on their part. But we have been blessed in order that we can be a blessing to others. We have been given the ability to overcome obstacles. This is the confidence and the assurance we have in Christ Jesus. We will not lose.
The gospel also talks about the time when the people were so awed by the beauty of the temple. They were overwhelmed by the gold, the silver, the stones and the marble that went into the building of the temple which were very costly. And Jesus, seeing this said, “The time will come when everything will be torn down. When not one stone will be left on another.” (Luke 21:6)
He also said that in three days, He will rebuild the temple. The people did not understand that Christ was referring to the church. He was going to build His Church upon the Rock of truth. He was not referring to a structure, because a structure is not capable and cannot worship God. It is people who can worship God. The “temple” therefore, is where the church functions. It is where healing and restoration takes place.
The Day of the Lord took place after the crucifixion and resurrection. This is when the powers of evil have been destroyed. In 1st Peter 2:5 – ”You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” When we live out God’s principles, we become a living sacrifice. In the olden days, the building of the temple was a tedious task because the builders would need to carve the stone from the mountain and carry this into the city.
In the day of the Lord, we would be persecuted on account of the Lord’s name. But we will be strengthened to overcome the problems. Problems are there to challenge us to overcome. The pain or hardships we face are to help us conquer. By your endurance, you will win. Christ showed us that when He was going to the cross. He wasn’t going to give up. And because of this, we have been made righteous by God, so that the Holy Spirit can indwell us. Greater is He in us than he who is in the world. We must be cautious about maintaining our faith. If God says it is then it is.
The message today is for us to prepare ourselves to declare that Christ is King. Even when we make mistakes, God is a forgiving God. Our faith should be in Him who is the source of everything. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has not changed. He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. We must remember that persecutions are there in order for us to become witnesses for God. Without the Cross, there is no hope. There is no life. But he went to the cross so that we may have life. God is indeed a great God.
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