The First Miracle At A Wedding Feast

January 19, 2025
Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11
We are reminded that this is Epiphany and it is Christ in us. This truth should bring us hope and stability. He promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Stories are being told to us so that they serve as guidelines for our lives. God is a God of detail and perfection. According to His order, God set it all in place. Things don’t just happen. Christ tells us secrets, which we need to pay attention to. His plan for us is a life of peace and contentment.
Today’s Gospel talks about a wedding in Cana at Galilee. We learned that this is Christ’s first miracle. If we tie it back to the beginning, we will see that God created male and female and now we see this wedding between a male and female. God also instructed them to be fruitful and multiply. We were meant to rule from the very beginning, and to subdue the earth. In the New Testament, He said whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. God is pointing something important to us. According to Jewish Law, weddings are conducted on Wednesdays and in the evening. After the feast, the bridegroom and the bride are to go out into the streets for people to welcome them.
In every Wedding feast. Wine is an essential part. When the wine ran out, Mary comes to Jesus and tells Him there is no more wine. Jesus’ response was, “woman, what have I got to do with you.” And Mary goes to the servants and tells them to do whatever He tells them to do. There were 6 jars all in all and each jar could hold 20 gallons of water. Christ instructs the servants to fill the jars with water up to the brim. This is telling us that when Christ meets a need, He always makes sure that there’s more than enough.
Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
1 Kings 17 this is the account of the Widow from Zarephath who ministered to the prophet Elisha by giving him water and a piece of cake when she herself had only enough flour and oil to bake a cake for herself and her son. Because of her generosity, God blessed her tremendously, and her jars of flour and bins of oil never ran out for the rest of her life.
When the headwaiter of the wedding feast tasted the water that had now turned to wine, he called the bridegroom and said, “you have saved the best for the last.” God will always give us the best. We should see Him as the God who is more than enough.
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