Maundy Thursday: The Greatest Is The Servant Of All

March 28, 2024
Maundy Thursday
Readings: Exodus 12: 1-12
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Luke 22: 14-20
Maundy Thursday is the time for mankind to accept and receive what God has done for us. This was also the last time that Christ was going to be with His disciples. In the Old Testament, blood was placed on the door posts of the Children of Israel, and when the death angel passed by their houses, they were spared. In the Eucharist today, we have the same promise that the enemy cannot touch us. The word “Eucharist” may seemingly be just an ordinary word, but it becomes something extra special when we partake of it and know its significance. The Eucharist is a Sacrament. When Jesus took the Cup of Wine, He said, “This is My Blood” which is to remind us we have been cleansed from sin. The blood is a covenant that was paid for by the Blood of Jesus. He also said He would not drink it again until that day in the Kingdom that He would drink it together with us. Life is in the blood.
The disciples got upset when Jesus said, “One of you would betray me.” Through this act of betrayal came forth the Life of the world. Something evil turning to good. Judas may have been used by the enemy to perform this evil deed by betraying Christ. But God meant it for good. The disciples began to argue among themselves as to who was the greatest of them all. And Jesus said, “He who is a Servant is the greatest of all.”
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