The Name Above All Names

The Name Above All Names

Feast of the Holy Name
Archbishop Loren Thomas Hines
January 01, 2022

Readings: Exodus 34:1-8
Romans 1:1-7
Luke 2:15-21

God’s plans have been put together even before creation. Before all things were made. He does not have Plan B. His plans are perfect. The Feast of the Holy Name was a very important feast because people then, treasured the Holy Name. But we have become a people who want to do our own thing and have lost value on things of old. Today, we do not give so much significance to names. We do not realize that names are what define a person. We do not set a course for our children. And we do not put value on things as well. You will notice that things today are made with machines. In most cases, they do not have character because character comes out of the heart.

When the angel appeared before Mary, he said the baby that would be born would be named Jesus. Eight days after Christ’s birth, He was to be brought to the temple to be circumcised. Circumcision was a sign of a covenant with God. This was the time that His name was given to Him. It was like a seal that He was going to be under the covenant of God. Tradition dictated that the first male child belongs to God. It is like tithing. The family unit was meant to be strong. The men were in charge of temple activities, making sure things were taken cared of. The name Jesus means “Emmanuel,” or “God with us.” If we go back to Genesis, it is written that man from the very beginning was given the authority to rule, cultivate and keep the earth. But because of man’s choice to follow the devil by disobeying God, God had to pull back because He gave man the free will to choose.

The name “Emmanuel” is very important because it means God is with us and will be with us. This is why God had to send His Son to become flesh and sacrifice in our behalf so that through His sacrifice, we could be restored back to Him. Satan knows the power of Jesus’ name and he tried to destroy Jesus at His birth, and after His baptism by tempting Him. But Jesus won each time because He had a task. He was going to be the Redeemer. The name of Jesus is above every name. Greater is He that is in us than any force in the world. The name is so powerful that it conquered death and all the destructive forces of the enemy. If we allow the enemy to deceive us, we would be in fear. Luke 1:31 “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call Him Jesus.” God with us is a truth so vital that we need to have this deeply entrenched in our hearts. Christ in us, the hope of glory. Nothing and no one is greater than Christ. Matthew 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Philippians 2:10 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:9 “Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name.” The name of Jesus is so powerful that everything else is in subjection to Him.

Names are given so that people would be able to manifest what their names represent. Names have meanings. We should demonstrate who we are. Ephesians 1:21 “Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” We are created in the image and likeness of God so that out of our lives should be a demonstration of who He is and who we should be. If Christ is among us and with us, things that have held us in bondage should be torn down. We need to hold on to our faith and believe that what God has intended for us will come to pass. He has given us the ability and creativity to do all things in Christ and we need to build our faith in God. It does not come overnight. We do this by hearing and hearing the Word of God and then applying His principles in our lives. If we allow the enemy to deceive us, then it means we are not living in the fullness of God.

Christ is above all names. He is the answer. He is the solution. Names are there to represent a situation. But we must believe that the name of Jesus is greater than any situation that may come our way. We need to prepare our hearts for victory and not for failure. The Feast of the Holy name. Why is it a feast? Because we have to feed on it. partake of it. Let us go back to the truth that we were created in His image.


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