We Are God’s Stewards
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Readings: Amos 8:4-12
1 Timothy 2:1-8
Luke 16:1-3
Christ uses parables to explain the things of God and the truth to us. The story today from Luke 16 was something relatable to the people living at that time. We see the wealthy who own much of the land giving certain men to harvest, and make use of the land and as payment they would be given part of the produce. There would be one in charge of collecting all the funds, make sure everything was functioning the way it was supposed to, then submit this to the rich man. Christ is not only speaking to the people at that time but is also speaking to us today. He has given to us so many things. We are stewards of His manifold grace and should return to Him the honor He deserves through the way we live our lives by being fruitful and to multiply. We should recognize who we are in God, instead of struggling in this world. We’ve been blessed to rule and subdue, to cultivate and keep, and to be caretakers of the earth. Most of us think we are subjects to things around us when we are the ones to rule. God trusts us with stewardship. He has granted to us everything pertaining to life and Godliness. We are to be stewards of His grace.
Every spiritual blessing has been given to us. We lack for no good thing. We are mocking God if we say we can’t do this or we can’t do that. God has given us His very breath, His very life. As His children, we have received our inheritance, and according to His will, His grace has been lavishly given to us. Evil should not be in our thoughts. Even in the midst of difficulties, we will not fail if we know who we are in Christ. He took our failures to the Cross. He bore all our sins and sicknesses. We have died, were buried, and have been resurrected with Him. We are suppose to bring back life to the world. As His new creation and having been empowered, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. It’s about time we believe that nothing can be against us if Christ is for us. We should be building His kingdom instead of embezzling the gifts of God for our own gain and benefit, and even start thinking, we are not of this world. 2 Corinthians 5:1
“For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” We may call it death. But it is really a transition to a new home. We will be judged according to what we have done in the flesh. In our body. James 2:14-26 “What does itprofit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?”
When we come to His Kingdom, we should take the responsibility as stewards of His grace to build it by proclaiming God’s greatness. Our faith should be in the things of God which are eternal. We are to be rich in good works. We are to take hold of the “life indeed”- a life of peace and joy. There are commitments we need to fulfill. It might seem that when the sun goes down, things look dim and hopeless. But the sun will surely rise again in the morning. We are God’s stewards to cultivate and keep the earth, because we are here for one purpose and this is to build God’s Kingdom.
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