
May 2024
An Invitation to Convocation 2024 from Our Presiding Bishop

Brothers and sisters: May the peace and grace of our loving and merciful Lord fill your life with joy. Christ tells us He will build His Church. He has accomplished His work. Now we are commissioned to finish His work. He has empowered us for this purpose. We must follow His pattern. Let us seek His will for His Church. As Presiding Bishop, I issue a call for the body of our Lord Jesus Christ to join together in a monumental and powerful conclave preparing to rise to greater fulfillment of our......

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Sep 2020
Fulfilling Christ's Mission in India

Catholic Congregation of St. John – India was established on December 17, 2017 under the guidance of The Most Rev. Loren Thomas Hines and registered with the Indian government as a religious organization (Diocese). The Archbishop consecrated the Rt. Rev. Dr. P. Thomas Jaison as the Presiding Bishop of CCSJ India on May 17, 2018 at Chennai, South India. The Archbishop also blessed their seminary, Academy of St. John – India, which was established to educate, equip and empower Christian leaders for His great commission. The Academy functions with three departments, namely,......

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Jun 2017
Receiving The Fullness of The Holy Spirit

“Receiving The Fullness of The Holy Spirit” Archbishop Loren Thomas Hines The Holy Spirit Seminar, Part 2 June 11, 2017 God is creating a new people of God. The first man created by God was given the responsibility to control the earth, to cultivate it, to subdue and reign over all creation. Adam failed so Christ came to restore the place of man in the kingdom of God. I believe that God sent the Holy Spirit because He doesn’t want a repeat of what happened with the fall of Adam. He doesn’t......

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Jun 2017
Empowered By The Holy Spirit

“Empowered By The Holy Spirit” Archbishop Loren Thomas Hines Holy Spirit Seminar, Part 1 June 4, 2017 I came from a family of religious people. My grandfather was a circuit riding minister and he and my grandmother lived in a wagon, traveling from place to place in crusades. I probably didn’t have a choice of what I’d become because my grandfather and uncle were involved in ministry. My uncle was the last surviving signatory of the by-laws of the Assemblies of God. The basis of our lives was Pentecostal. I was raised......

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Nov 2016
Through the Eyes of an Old, Young Man: Being Stubborn in Faith

In my young age of 22, I have already experienced growing up on countless occasions, perhaps on too many occasions. Growing up in most cases was associated with earning the ire of my Dad. Our numerous “disciplinary sessions” would always follow a certain pattern. He would ask me what I did wrong, then when I am able to recite my offense correctly, penance in the form of leather connecting to my behind would inevitably follow. This was always followed by an explanation of why he did it; why I had to be......

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Sep 2016
To Be Or Not To Be

Has anyone ever told you that you can be anything you want to be? I myself have been told this as a young boy. I remember getting a book from my aunt with a dedication that read, “To Justin, You can be whatever you dream to be. Do you dare to dream?” This motivational phrase is perhaps one of the most, if not the most, clichéd of phrases. But how true is this phrase? Can you really be anything that you want to be? I would say in this time and age,......

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Aug 2016
Generation Who?

“I need to find myself.” Do you recognize this statement? I hear this statement being thrown around time and time again by people who belong to my age group. I myself did not fully understand what it means to find one’s self and so I did my own research on the meaning behind the words. Different sources give different meaning to the statement but they all seem to agree that to find one’s self is to learn who one really is; to know one’s identity. I’ve heard this statement being used so......

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