Good Friday: God Gave Us A New Heart

March 29, 2024
Everything that exists is created by God. Scientifically, it would appear that the earth is an island. Beneath us is water. God has set a plan and empowered it to be what it is. It is man who tries to change it. When God finished His creation, He evaluated what He did and said it was very good. We have stepped over the line today by doing our own thing. Adam and Eve were given everything in the Garden. They could partake of all the trees except one. If we evaluate ourselves today, we have violated many things that God has made for us. Have we trusted in God? He created everything good. We have been blessed but we have eaten the wrong fruit and not heeded His Voice. We have the responsibility to subdue evil. Our prayers are supposed to be for all. God’s will is for us to have a full life.
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After the story of Creation and when sin came because of man’s disobedience, the earth became so evil that there was only one family who was considered righteous. God chose Noah and his family to be redeemed. Noah was instructed by God to build an ark and it took him 100 years to do this. Flood comes out of the center of the earth when it bursts forth. It does not come from the rains falling from the sky. When the flood subdued, Noah and his family and all the animals went out of the ark. Normally it would take a while for flood to subside slowly. But this one did not come from the skies. Science has now proven that there is more water in the center of the earth than in any place. God never fails. God restores. He made a covenant with Noah. The rainbow is a Covenant sign from God.
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In the story of Abraham, God has blessed him with everything, except an heir. So Abraham asked God to give him a son. But they went ahead of God, and Sarah gave the servant girl, Hagar to be with Abraham. Because of this, a son, named Ishmael was born. But he was not the one that God had intended to be. Later on, Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. God had blessed him with a rightful heir. As the child grew, time came when God put Abraham to the test. He was told to go up the mountain to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering. When they were there, Isaac asked his father, “the wood and the fire are here, but where’s the lamb for the offering?” And Abraham replied, “the Lord will provide.” Abraham, through his faith and trust in the Lord, was setting a course. If he was willing to sacrifice his own son, then surely God would send His Only Son to redeem humanity. Because of Abraham’s obedience and unwavering faith, God spared Abraham, and provided a ram caught by its horns in a thicket as his offering. And God blessed him exceedingly and that he would be the father of many nations.
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Joseph was the favorite of his father. The other 11 siblings were from different mothers. Joseph was a dreamer. He dreamed that one day, his family would bow down to him. The brothers hated him for that and plotted to have him killed. But they decided instead to sell Joseph as a slave in Egypt where he would be under Potifar. But he found favor with Potifar and became the trusted one. One day, however, when Potifar was away for a while, his wife approached Joseph and tried to seduce him but failed because Joseph stood his ground. When Potifar returned, the wife made up some story that Joseph had tried to rape her, and so he was put in prison for something he was not even guilty of. In prison he did not complain but still possessed a good attitude. He continued to have dreams and was able to interpret them. Then he was called to interpret a dream of the Pharoah that there would be 7 years of abundance, followed by 7 years of famine. So Pharoah put Joseph in charge and that he would be second-in-command of all of Egypt. During his reign, the people did not starve in the seven years of famine because of Joseph’s wisdom that they were to store enough food during the good years. He was highly favored by the Pharoah. Eventually the brothers were brought to him and instead of feeling bitter, he forgave them all. This was clearly God at work through Joseph.
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Many miracles had been performed that was leading to the Red Sea parting. The Jews were taken into slavery, and for 400 years, they were slaves in Egypt. Several times they cried out to God to be delivered. And God sent Moses to be their leader. Moses succeeded in bringing them out of Egypt along with Egypt’s wealth. However, when they reached the Red Sea, they became doubtful and afraid. But God, through Moses, split the Red Sea and they were able to cross on dry land. Egypt realized that they had to go after the Children of Israel and sent armies with their chariots to catch them. But when they reached the Red Sea and began to cross on the dry land, God caused the water to come together again and drowned them all. God did not fail His people. He had saved the Children of Israel even when they were complaining.
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After the Red Sea parting, we now find the Israelites in the wilderness. They began to complain to Moses about their situation. God told Moses to strike a rock, and water gushed out. When they complained about having no food, God gave them manna each day. While the food may not be that tasty, it was healthy and gave them strength, sustenance and healing. But they still complained, so God provided birds for them to cook and eat. He was with them all the way. He covered them with a pillar of cloud when it got too hot so they would have shade. He led them with a pillar of fire by night so they could see where they were walking. God is speaking to us through these stories. It wasn’t just Israel He was talking to, He was speaking to the church. He provides and sustains us. He takes care of us even when we complain. Just as God delivers His people out of slavery and took care of them, He has taken us out of slavery from sin, saved us and continues to take care of us today.
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God loves His creation. He longs for us. he provides for all. Whoever is hungry for Him, He will feed. God loves all of mankind. It’s not up to us to judge others. Why do you buy bread, He asks of us. “I have provided everything for you.” If things would have it, we would all be farmers to grow our own crops. But we cannot grow crops in the cities because we are working for companies. We have turned our trust to others. He will do for all what He has done for those who believe in Him. Christ on the cross said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” The forgiveness was not just for the Jews, not just for a particular group of people but for all mankind. He wants us to feed on His bread, that strength and wisdom comes from Him. But we are following the system of the world and are trusting in these things. Shouldn’t we trust God instead because He will not fail?
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When God created man and put him in the garden, there was a clear instruction that they were not to touch a particular tree. For when he eats from its fruit he is doomed to die. God was referring to a spiritual death. God can change the heart of a person. Even the most hardened heart He can cause it to melt. There are many who do not know God. But when man’s heart begins to become hungry for the things of God, He can change that heart. A hardened heart can be changed. If he is truly seeking for something greater, it is God beginning to work in his life.
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The Valley of the dry bones is a picture painted by God which not only meant Israel but for the whole world. Prophesy to these bones and say to them, “hear the Word of the Lord.” All the scattered bones came together, piece by piece. It was God at work. The story is talking about a very dead world. But when they hear the Word of the Lord, they will be restored. The wind will bring them life. We are prophets and we have the responsibility to cause these dry bones to come together. 1 Corinthians 14:31-32 “For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets.” We have to speak to these bones about the grace and mercy of God. It us our responsibility to cause people to return to Him.
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God loves His people. All these examples given to us in the Old Testament, points to one thing- more than 2000 years ago, Christ came to soften the hearts of man. The enemy wants us to believe that the world is becoming more evil. But God has redeemed the world. The only hindrance is our rejection of what He has done for us. He did all of this on the cross for us all. All the suffering He went through was to save the world. Abraham, Joseph, Moses, they all went through sacrifices in order to save God’s people. God will save us. We need to understand His love and faithfulness towards us. It is Good Friday. It points us to victory. History all points to this event. He did this for all of us.
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